Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Strawberries

Several weeks ago I ran into Josh and the other counselor in hall at the church (since he's been put in the Bishopric, we don't really attend church "together"). Josh started asking me if chocolate dipped strawberries would be hard to make and prompting me to affirm that they were.
Josh:Janae, don't they need some kind of special, expensive chocolate? Wouldn't that be really hard to do?
I excitedly responsed: No, they are super easy. Are you guys going to do that for mother's day? I want to help."
And today we handed out two chocolate strawberries to each woman in our ward. Here's the process from raw berry to decadent delight.

We melted two huge bricks of milk chocolate.

We dipped about 150 berries. On Saturday Josh and I were at the mall and saw chocolate dripped strawberries on sale for $2 each, so we firgured that we made $300 worth of strawberries for around $25.

Veva, the first counselor's wife, had the great idea to drizzle white chocolate over the finished strawberries. I think that made them look very fancy. Good thinking Veva!


Chelsy said...

And I missed it! Sad day! Good work though...what an awesome 'treat' for the women in the ward! You and Veva rock! And Rand and I have made them every once in a while because we have a big bag of chocolate chips left over from our wedding reception (the chocolate fountain)...and we decided that we need to do these at Valentine's Day for cheaper than the store - we should make a business of it with you guys!:o)

Greg and Sophia said...

At a Marine spouses dinner they served strawberries that had little chocolate tuxs on them. I've been trying to figure out how they did that (besides having a full time kitchen staff on hand to do the tedious labour it would require.) But your looked just as good and I bet they were delicious! Thanks for adding me as a friend by the way!